Friday, May 8, 2009

Cosette has moved into a big girl bed!

Cosette transitioned into a big girl bed yesterday. I knew it was coming but wasn't sure so soon. About a month ago she occasionally would climb into her crib but on Wednesday afternoon at naptime she climbed out 5x in a row! I could not believe it, I looked in the video baby monitor to check on her and the crib was empty! My heart jumped and skipped a beat!

Once she mastered the art of climbing out we were fearful of her safety. So last night Ed & Uncle Harry converted her crib into a Toddler bed. She thought it was neat and climbed right in! She seemed very happy. I was a little sad to see the crib go - it means my baby girl isn't a baby any longer!
I was concerned about her 1st night in the big girl bed and was wondering if she or us would get any sleep! She did great! She slept all night and I heard her get up about 6 am which is good for her! So the transition went well. I am very thankful she adapted so easily.

Nap time is approaching and I hope that goes just as well.

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